Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Two of Ten

Nine things about yourself.
Hopefully different from the ten I wrote yesterday.

1. I am a serious perfectionist and imperfection drives me up the wall.

2. My favorite movies are Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, Donnie Darko, Beauty and the Beast, and Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightly).

3. I want a dog more than just about anything else.

4. My right ankle is permanently messed up from multiple sprains from playing volleyball.

5. I hate bananas. Except when they're bananas foster.

6. Lucky Charms and cute shoes are like crack to me.

7. I super love TV. Who cares if it rots your brain?

8. I love the ocean and everything about it and everything in it.

9. I sell myself short most of the time. For instance, I think I'm a fuckup.

L'esperienza di questa dolce vita (The experience of this sweet life) - Dante Alighieri

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