Saturday, September 4, 2010

Introducing ...

My name is MJ and this is my new blog. My old blogs are exactly that: old. And I have a new life now, so a new blog is in order. So, without further ado, welcome to One By Wonder.

I am a scant inch from being 18. I am very much in love. I'm a dog person. I bake to relieve tension. Or I buy high heels. I collect quotes from poetry and literature. I like to color. I'm never wrong and I'm really good at getting my way. I'm really bad at saving money, following through on things, and being nice. I'm really good at taking pictures, reading, volleyball, learning, and people. Math, new people, and figuring out what I want to do when I grow up all intimidate me. I have a serious addiction to sugar, Italian food, coffee, Tetris, showers, music, and (don't laugh) Sorority Life on Facebook. I love fireworks. There are lots of places I want to travel. I like painting my fingernails and straightening my hair. I'm largely a cynic and a pessimist, but I'm trying not to be. I'm in love with love and lousy poetry. My life is amazing and I like it and I like me.

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